After receiving your order, you have 30 days to decide if you are satisfied with your purchase. If you wish to return any item, you will have the option to receive a refund or exchange the item. If you choose a refund, we will issue your refund (minus shipping and handling) with the same method that you paid for it. To receive a full refund, the item must be returned in new condition within 30 days of your purchase. Custom-ordered jigs or CNC-made parts can only be refunded if they are found to be defective.
Damaged Goods
Upon receiving your order, please inspect it to ensure that nothing has been damaged in shipping. If damage has occurred, please notify us immediately so that we can deal with it promptly.
Warranty Information
Wood Products
Wood products are warrantied to be free of cracks or other damage when they arrive (unless sold with cracks/defects, i.e. African Blackwood). All wood products sold through Canadian Luthier Supply are stored in our humidity-controlled shop (45% RH). We carefully inspect every piece for cracks or damage before shipping. Provided you store the materials in a similar environment, they should remain stable. However, if the material is exposed to high humidity or dry conditions, they may crack or warp. We are not responsible for crack/defects that appear after the wood has been delivered.
Jigs or Fixtures Made by Canadian Luthier Supply
Any jigs or fixtures made by CLS are warrantied to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for 3 months from purchase. With proper care, these jigs should last for years or indefinitely. This warranty only covers jigs or fixtures made by CLS and does not apply to any other products or tools we sell. This warranty does not apply to consumable parts of the products we manufacture (like sandpaper, router bits, etc).
All Other Products
All other products sold by CLS (cases, amps, tuners, pickups, tools and more) only carry a warranty if offered by the manufacturer.
Ordering from Canada and the United States
Canadian and US orders may be placed online through our automated shopping cart. Shipping and taxes will be calculated at checkout. You will receive email confirmation of your order via email. We will also contact you with an estimated ship date if the order cannot ship immediately. You will receive another email with tracking information once your order ships.
International Orders (outside Canada and the US)
At this time our shopping cart cannot calculate shipping on international orders. Please contact us through email to place and order or get a shipping quote. International orders may be subject to brokerage, tax or other import charges. All shipping-related fees and taxes are the responsibility of the customer.
We accept Visa, Mastercard and PayPal. Your order will ship after we have received full payment. Prices can be shown in CAD or USD, use the currency selector to select your currency of choice. The name that appears on your credit card or PayPal statement will be House Guitars.
All orders are shipped Expedited Parcel Post through Canada Post. Shipping rates are calculated on the total weight of your order. Weight is calculated based on billable shipping weight, and may not be the actually weight of the product (example: Hiscox cases). At this time the Postal system is the only carrier that offers reasonable shipping rates for our products, many of which are oversize or heavy. Contact us if you wish to get a quote for courier shipping service.
Back-ordered Items
If an item you order is going to be out of stock longer than the availability time listed on our site, you will have the option of placing it on back-order. The back-ordered item will ship when it becomes available.
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Personal information - We do not distribute or in anyway share or sell our clients person information (names, address, phone, email)*. Your contact information is stored on our system for the purpose of fulfilling your order or inquiry. Email addresses may be used to send you our newsletter if you've opted into our mailing list. *Your contact info may be shared with our payment provider/bank or the necessary authorities in the event of a payment dispute or suspected criminal activity.
Payment and CC info - All payments submitted through our website are processed directly through the Shopify payment platform. We do not receive your payment info (CC numbers, etc), only a verification of which payment method you used and confirmation that the payment has been approved. Payments submitted through our website can only be processed once per order up to a maximum amount of the order total.
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View our Terms of Service here.